Atticus Chords

by Noisettes
1,883 views, added to favorites 46 times
Difficulty: intermediate
Tuning: Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb
Capo: no capo
Author vasvili [a] 39. Last edit on Jul 15, 2015




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                                       ATTICUS - Noisettes
Chords by: Vilmos Vas
Tuning: Standard, HALF STEP DOWN!
I was surprised when I realised that there is no proper version over the internet of this
fantastic song,so I decided to find the chords which are actually played. As opposed to the
other versions posted here, the guitar player Dan Smith does not use a capo in this song.
He seemingly tunes his guitars a half step down. The chord names can be seen in this tab are
related to the positions and not the actual notes (e.g.: when you hear a Abm on the record I
named it as Am).
Bear in mind that Dan uses an awesome country-like fingerpicking style in this song. The real
challenge is to try and keep the alternating bass going on with your thumb, and play the melod
and the chord with your first finger. I only give you the chords so you have to figure out all
the nuances and fingerpicking patterns.
Have fun with this great song! Feel free to comment below!
Chords used:
Em           0 2 2 0 0 0
Em7          0 2 2 0 0 7
Em/F#        2 x x 0 0 0
Em/C#       (0)4 x 0 0 0
E            0 2 2 1 0 0
G            3(2)0 0 0(3)
G#dim        4 5 6 x 0 0
Am           x 0 2 2 1 0
A            x 0 2 2 2 0
B            x 2 4 4 4 x
B7           x 2 1 2 0 2
Bm           x 2 0 0 3(0) (this is actually a Bm6/11)
C6           x 3 5 5 5 5
D            x x 0 2 3 2
D/A          x 0 x 2 3 2
C6 Bm Em7 D/A A
Am G Em
   Am                       D
To kill a mockingbird Is to silence the song
       G         G#dim
That seduces you Why?  
           Am                       B7          Em
'Cause you need that desire in your heart to survive
        Am                     B7              Em
And you need that burning fire in your soul to know
       Em/F#  G       G#dim           Am
You're still alive To catch me when I fall
         B7             Em    A  B  Em
Or did I dive at your delight?
Em                C6   Bm
In my heart I can fly
                Em7   D/A A
And I cannot disguise my  love
            Am    G
There is no time
                    Em  Em/C#
And I wouldn't know how
                 C6   Bm
Constellations tonight
                    Em7     D/A A
are so fiercesomely bright, my  love
          Am   G
I have no fear
I am Atticus now
  Am                      D
Remember what I lost like hot coals in my
G                   G#dim
hand from days gone by
        Am                B7                  Em
Like Pandora adored the euphoria as her heart raced
E         Am                      B7
Like love lost you've got to try even in vain
      Em          Em/F# G
Feels like you'll go  insane
    G#dim              Am                   B7          Em   A B Em
But you're the hardest instrument that I've ever had to play
Em                C6   Bm
In my heart I can fly
                Em7   D/A A
And I cannot disguise my  love
            Am    G
There is no time
                    Em  Em/C#
And I wouldn't know how
                 C6   Bm
Constellations tonight
                    Em7     D/A A
are so fiercesomely bright, my  love
          Am   G
I have no fear
I am Atticus now
                Am B7         Em
So why don't we fall into the waves?
                           Am B7          Em
Can't you see how my heart yearns to misbehave?
Em                C6   Bm
In my heart I can fly
                Em7   D/A A
And I cannot disguise my  love
            Am    G
There is no time
                    Em  Em/C#
And I wouldn't know how
                 C6   Bm
Constellations tonight
                    Em7     D/A A
are so fiercesomely bright, my  love
          Am   G
I have no fear
I am Atticus now
                Am B7         Em
So why don't we fall into the waves?
                           Am B7        Em
Can't you see how my heart yearns to misbehave?
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Atticus – Noisettes
How to play