Goddamn Electric Tab
by Pantera32,732 views, added to favorites 270 times
Capo: | no capo |
Artist: Pantera
Title: Goddamn Electric
Album: Reinventing the Steel
Transcribed by: Tim Ward
Email: conky_333@hotmail.com
Tuneing: Standard Or Tune All Strings Down A Step
Absolutely 100% Correct
Palm mutes are obvious, if you don't know which ones they are
then you shouldn't be playing this song in the first place.
DUMP BAR: Push down on bar until strings are completly slack
BR: Bend and release
p: Pull Off
/: Slide up neck
\:Slide down neck
h: Hammer On
PH: Pinch Harmonic
B: Bend
v: Vibrato
|--1/--|--0-1/--0-0-1/-0--6-6-6----|--0-1/--0-0-1/---0-DUMP BAR--|
R.I.P. Dimebag Darrell Abbott
The Greatest Guitarist To Ever Live
Goddamn Electric – Pantera
How to play
"Goddamn Electric"

I do believe the tuning is 1/4 flat

Main riff is a slide to 12 not 1. Tuning on the record isn't down one step either -- I believe it's down a whole step + 1/4 more down. Dime did that fairly often. Cemetery Gates is tuned down 1/4 step. Either way, this song sounds just slightly off if you tune down a whole step, so I think it's tuned down a tad more than a whole step.
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