Rage Against The Machine Album Tab

by Rage Against The Machine
545,724 views, added to favorites 5,137 times
Capo: no capo
Author angel_X [a] 180. Last edit on Feb 13, 2014
***Rage Against the Machine***
     All songs arranged for 1 guitar.  I suggest you listen to the songs as you learn them.
             It helps.  All credits go to Rage Against the Machine.
                   - Tabbed by ¢orrupted_angel_X -
b(full)= full bend        |                      |
b(½)= ½ bend              |      -- +1 --        | H=====| represents a downward
b(¼)= ¼ bend              |      ---/\---        | "sweep picking," and V=====|
h= hammer on              |      --/  \--        | is an upward "sweet picking."
p= pull off               |      --------        | This is achieved by picking
~= wiggle bend            | *This is a vibrato   | each note quickly, almost
/// or \\\= bar scoopings | bend used with the   | like strumming, only you will
|=harm.=|= harmonizer     | whammy bar.  The     | not raise the pick.
|=P.M.=|=palm mute        | number can be either |
\= downward slide         | - or +, depending on |
/= upward slide           | the bend.            |
Note: Don't mistake / or //////(normal slides), with ///(bar scoopings).
                          (Standard tuning)
Intro x2
 |==============P.M.================|      |==1st Ending===P.M.===1st Ending==|
                                |=====2nd Ending======P.M.======2nd Ending=====|
|-----                         |------------------------------------------------
|-----                         |------------------------------------------------
|----- Repeat Intro,           |------------------------------------------------
|----- then end it with...     |----2--0----0--------------2--0----0------------
|-----                         |----------2----2--0--------------2----2---------
|--2--                         |-0--------------------3--0----------------3--0--
Riff A (Chorus)x4
Riff B (Verse) x3½ then x3½ again. (There are rests after each ½.)
Play Chorus (Riff A) x3½
Repeat Verse x3½ then...
|--------------------- -1 --- 3½ -----
Play Chorus (Riff A) x4
Riff C (Bridge) x2
Solo A  (*Note:  ~ Represents a wiggle-bend; played by wiggling your finger
back and fourth on the fret.)
|----------------------------------------------------===hold bend====------
Repeat Chorus (Riff A) x2
Solo B
*(Note:  Slide your L.H. finger up and down the neck and switch the toggle knob
with the R.H.; this is not picked.)
                         ***Killing in the Name***
                              (Drop D tuning)
There is a bass riff played here, and the guitar fades in with the volume knob.
|-------------------11--12-----------------12b(½)-- Played x2 without the feed-
|------------11--12------------------11-12--------- back and the 6th fret fade
|-------------------------------------------------- in.  Then...
Riff A x4
Riff B (Verse) x7
 |====P.M.====|	     |===P.M.===|
Riff C x1
Riff D (Chorus)                               |=1st Ending=|
|--------------------------------------------*--------------- Play through again
|--------------9-------------8-------------7-*--------------- but end with the
|--0--3h5--x-x---0--3h5--x-x---0--3h5--x-x---*---2h3--2h3-2-- 2nd ending.(below)
 |=======2nd Ending=======|
Riff E x4  ("Now you do what they told ya.")
Riff D x4
Riff E x3
|--7--7----7----x--7----x--x--x--x--x/7--(7)\\\\\\-- Then...
|--7--7----7----x--7\/19--19--19--19--19--19--19--19--19--19\\\\\\-- x1
Riff F x12
(15ma)(8va)  (15ma)       (8va)   (15ma)       (8va)   (15ma)   (8va)   (15ma)
*Played with Digitech Whammy Pedal.
    (8va) (15ma)(8va)   (15ma)(15ma)      (8va)       (15ma)      (8va)
  (15ma)      (8va)    (15ma)      (8va)     (15ma)   (8va) (15ma)(8va)(15ma)
(8va)          (15ma)(8va)      (15ma)(8va)     (15ma)(8va)(15ma)
 (8va)   (15ma) (8va)(15ma)(8va)(15ma)     (8va)
Repeat Riff F x8
Riff G x4
                          ***Take The Power Back***
                                (Drop D tuning)
Intro  (*Played with muted picking and pick scrapes, then fade in with
the volume knob on *.)
Riff A x2
|-----------------------------	    ------------------
|-----------------------------	    ------------------
|----------------------------- x3 then… ------------------
|--------------3-----------3--          --------15\\\\\\--
|-------3h5--x---x-x-3h5-x----          --------15\\\\\\--
|--0--0-----------------------	    --0--0--15\\\\\\--
Riff B (Verse) x3¾ 		      *Play Riff B again instead of this part on
                                       the 3rd time through.
|---------------------------           ------------------------
|---------------------------           ------------------------
|-----7--7--7--7--x-x-x--5-- x3 then...--(5)----7--------------
|---------------------------	         --------------15\\\\\\--
|-----5--5--5--5--x-x-x--3--           --(3)----5----15\\\\\\--
|--0------------------------	         --------------15\\\\\\--
Riff C x1
Riff D (Chorus)
*Don’t worry about this until a little after the bridge.
Riff E (Verse) x1¾
|---------------------------            ----------------
|---------------------------	          ----------------
|------7--7--7--7--7--7--5-- x3 then... --7-------------
|---------------------------            ------15\\\\\\--
|------5--5--5--5--5--5--3--	          --5---15\\\\\\--
|--0------------------------	          ------15\\\\\\--
Repeat Riff B x1¾ (without the ending the 2nd time through)
Repeat Riff C x1
Repeat Riff D (Chorus) x1
Riff F
|------------------------------ x2
|--5b(full)---7b(full)---8b(full)---10b(full)---10b(full)--- x2
|------------------------------ x2
Riff G (Bridge)
            |=====pick scrapes=====|
               |======pick behind nut=====|
            |===pick scrapes===|
Repeat Riff A x1¾, then end it with Riff D (below).
Riff H
Repeat Chorus through the * and end with Riff I (below).
Riff I
|--------	          ---------
|--------             ---------
|-------- x 4 then... ------5--
|--------	          --3------
|-----3--	          ---------
|--3-----	          ---------
                           ***Settle For Nothing***
                              (Standard tuning)
Riff A (Intro/Verse)
*This intro is really a bass line, just arranged for guitar (it sounds lower than written).
Okay, now the above riff can be played on bass or on a guitar.  Should you choose
to play it on guitar then that’s what you play x10.  If you play it on bass, then
the guitar will play Riff B (below) while the bass plays Riff A.  Either way is fine.
Listen to the song to know when to play Riff B.
Riff B
|-*12b(full)===hold, then gradually release====12--
|--11b(½)======hold, then gradually release====11--
*This is a volume knob swell.
Riff C (Chorus) x16
   V=====|       V=====|
This little riff is played right before the next part.  It goes with the vocals.
If played with guitar, repeat Riff A x2.  If played with bass, repeat Riff A x2,
and come in with Riff B on guitar towards the end of the Riff A the second time through.
Repeat Riff C (Chorus) x16
End by repeating the Intro however you choose to play it.
                           ***Bullet In The Head***
                              (Standard tuning)
Riff A (Intro)
|------------------------7-- x4
*Once again, this riff is bass arranged for guitar.
Right.  So now we find ourselves at the same fork in the road as “Settle For Nothing.”
You can choose to play Riff A x4 on the guitar throughout the Verse as well, or you
can play it on bass and play Riff B on guitar.  Your choice.  Timing can be a bitch.
Riff B (Verse) x4
*Played with Digitech whammy pedal depressed and two octaves up.
Strum open strings (with whammy) with your right hand and manipulate toggle
switch with left hand.  The toggle switch settings are lead=10: rhythm=0.
Riff C (Pre Chorus) x4  (*Note that /// represents bar scoopings.)
* Pick the harmonics while on rhythm pick-up (off) and then scoop with the bar
and toggle with your left hand to sound pitch.
Riff D (Chorus)
|----------------------------------------------------- x2
*Play with wah pedal.  Hammer and pull of all note with your lef hand on the next riff.
*Depress the whammy bar with your left hand while slapping the loose strings against
pick-ups with your right hand on this riff.
|----------------====hold bend====|---------====hold bend====|-----------------
|-----------------====hold bend====|---------====hold bend====|-----
Repeat Riff D (Chorus) x1
Repeat Riff A x3 if on guitar.  If Riff A is played on bass, come in on the
guitar with Riff B after Riff A has been played through once.
Repeat Chorus through the * written in Riff D, then play this little riff…
Riff E
|-------------------------------------------------- x3 then…
Riff F x8
Riff G
No guitar for a while.  Then repeat Riff E x8 without the ending variation.
Repeat Riff F x8
Outro        |====P.M.====|            |====P.M.=====|
|--9----9--9-----------------9----9--9----------------- x4
                           ***Know Your Enemy***
                             (Standard tuning)
Riff A (Intro) x11
*This part is played with a Harmonizer set to produce notes a perfect
fifth higher in addition to the above part.
Riff B x3
 |====1st Ending====|         |========2nd Ending========|
|--------------------        ------------------------------
|--------------------        ------------------------------
|--------------------        ------------------------------
|--5----4----2-------        --5----4----2-----------------
|--3----2----0----2--        --3----2----0-----------------
|-----------------0--        ---------------------x\\\\\\--
*Play the 1st Ending the x2 then the 2nd Ending on the 3rd time through.
Riff C (Verse) x5½
This riff is played after the * above.
Riff D (Bridge)
*This part is slowed down to a half time feel.
Riff E			                *Full dip with whammy bar
|------------------------------------------------- +1 -----
Solo  *Played with a Harmonizer like before.
|--13~(with bar)--(13~)----14----13----------------------------------16-18-19--
	                                +1(with bar)
*Hammer these notes with the L.H. and toggle with the right
(same setting as before) until the Outro.
Bass part is played, then the guitar comes in.
|---------------------------------------------- -1______/ ------
|-----------------------------------------------with bar--------
End the song by repeating Riff C (Verse) x4
                              ***Wake Up***
                             (Drop D tuning)
Riff A (Intro) x8; the fade in is played the first time only.
|--7 Volume Fade In-*--------------------------------------------------
Riff B
Riff C
Bass line comes in here, which is practically the same as Riff D (below).
Riff D x1¾
|------------------------------------------ x3 then...
Play first part of Riff D x3 (hence the 1¾), and end it with...
Riff E (Verse) x7
|----------------------------------- then...
|-------- x1
Riff E (Verse) x3, then...
|------10--10--10--10--10--10--10\\\\\\-- x1
Riff E (Verse) x3, then...    <---------------------
|----------------------------------------          |
|---------------------------------------- x1       |
|----------------------------------------          |
|----------------------------------------          |
|--3--5----------------------------------          |
|------------------------------19\\\\\\--          |
Repeat everything from Riff D through this point---- (leaving off the last
little riff), just as you previously played it.  End with the below riff
before the bitchin' solo.
Riff F (Solo A), played with a talk box.
This is the 1st Ending...
Repeat the solo and end it with...
2nd Ending
Riff G
          |=======P.M.=======|	      |=======P.M.=======|        |=======P.M.==
 ======|     |=======P.M.=======|     |=======P.M.=======|     |=======P.M.=====
(*This part of the riff has a faster feel to it, compared to the short rests above.
Quickly repeat the riff with no rests anywhere.)
|----------------------------- x8 and gradually lift the P.M. as you play
|--0--6--5--3--5--0--3--5--0--    the riff the last 4 times.
Riff H x4
 |===P.M.===|     |====P.M.====|     |===P.M.===|
Riff I x4
 |===P.M.===|     |====P.M.====|     |===P.M.===|
Riff J							
      |========*let ring,then gradually release the bend========|
Riff K x4
*Represents a broken chord.
Riff L
Repeat Riff D x1, then repeat it again, playing the first part x4 instead
of x3 with the second part of the riff.
Solo B
*The bass continues to play Riffs B and C, and the guitar goes off on some
crazy-ass solo with a harmonizer and some other scratchy effects, which,
I'm sorry to say, I don't know.  It sounds random.  Feel free to improve.
                           ***Fistful of Steel***
                              (Standard Tuning)
*The beginning of this song is just some guitar effects created by muting
strings while shaking the whammy bar for 15 seconds.  Note: the whammy pedal
is set 2 octaves higher.
Riff A (Intro)
Riff B (Still Intro)
Riff C
Riff D
Play riffs in this order:  Riff C
                           Riff B
                           Riff C
                           Riff D
Repeat the riffs as above again.
Riff E
Riff F (Verse) x7
*Riff is played with whammy pedal.
Riff G (Verse) x1
*With bar.
Chorus- Just play the these riffs twice through:  Riff C
						  Riff B
						  Riff C
						  Riff D
Repeat Riff F (Verse) x4
Riff H
Solo A
*This solo is really just random slides with the left hand while toggling
knobs with the right.  Improvise.
Riff I (Bridge)
 |slight P.M.|
|--------------		     --------------
|--------------		     --------------
|-------------- x15 then...  -------------- x1
|--------------		     --------------
|--9--8--7--0--		     --9--8--7-----
|--------------		     -----------0--
Riff J
Riff K
Now play the first part of Riff I (Bridge) x11.
Repeat Riff J x3, then...
|-----------14-14-----------14-14------ then go directly into the solo.
Solo B
End the song with...
                          ***Township Rebellion***
                               (Drop D tuning)
Riff A (Intro)
					  |====pick behind nut====|
Riff B (Verse) x15
   |==pick behind nut==|
|------------x------------ (Tough, huh?)
Riff C
 |=======1st Ending =======|
|--------------------------- Repeat and finish
|-------5b(½)------5--3----- with 2nd Ending.
 |========2nd Ending =========|
Repeat Riff B (Verse) x15, or...
...you can play Riff D after playing the Verse x8.  Both are actually played,
but this tab is arranged for one guitar.  Again, it's your choice.
Riff D x8
Chorus; play Riff C x2 with the 1st Ending, then the 2nd, then the 1st again,
and end it with the 3rd Ending below.
 |============================3rd Ending ==============================|
*Played with harmonizer set to make notes a perfect fourth lower.
Riff E (Solo)
                   (with bar)		                 (with bar)
                       (with bar)
      				     (with bar)
|--16~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------12-------
Repeat the Chorus as you previously did, but omit the 3rd Ending this time.
Riff F (Bridge)  *Sped up from the rest of the song.
|------------------------------------------------- x2
Riff G
|---------------------------*--------------------------------------------- x2
Riff H x19  *Listening to the song really helps with the timing and order
of this next this part.
|------------------------------------------------ x1
Repeat Riff G from the * and over; x4.
Riff I (Chorus/Outro)
                             (Standard tuning)
Riff A (Intro)
                            pick behind nut
Riff B (Verse)
	     |=1st=|			    |=2nd=|
|-----------*-------		           -----
|--5\4/5--5-*-------			     -----
|--5\4/5--5-*------- x2, with the 2nd    -----
|--5\4/5--5-*------- Ending played the   -----
|-----------*------- second time through.--x--
|-----------*-0--0--			     -----
Repeat Riff A (Intro) x1
Verse; play Riff B through just like above, then play Riff B (below).
Riff C
Riff D
*Fade in with volume knob.
Riff E
*Has kind of jacked-up timing.  By the way, this is actually 3 guitars:
one fading in on each chord.  But this sounds fine if you fade in with
the volume knob when you strike each chord.
Riff F x4
Riff G x4
Riff H
|--------------------------------------------------- x2 then…
Riff I (Solo)
   H=======|		  H=======|
Riff J x4
Riff K
*Fade in on each chord.
Repeat Riff F x4
Riff L x3
Riff M
Repeat Riff F x4
Repeat Riff H x3 (*Don’t play the second part of this riff, only the first.)
Riff N
Riff O x 8
Riff P x9
|----------------------------- then...
*End the song with random noises (pick scrapes, etc.) for the last 32 seconds.
***I hope these tabs have helped you in your pursuit to recreate the badass
guitar riffs of Rage Against the Machine.  All songs written by RATM.  If you
feel that something is wrong, please feel free to edit these tabs to your desire.
Remember to be different, make your voice heard, and keep controversy alive.  We
are the elite.  We are the youth of the nation.  We are all "angel headed hipsters
burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery
of the night." -Ginsberg.  Don’t let anyone forget that.
By helping UG you make the world better... and earn IQ
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Rage Against The Machine – Rage Against The Machine
How to play
"Rage Against The Machine"
Hey, tza, before you speak, why don't you finish putting up the album on your website, eh?
Yeah freedoms in drop d. There are a few niggly bits here and there, like playing an open a in the bombtrack verse instead of 5th on e. but, y'know. Whatever. Good job though dude.
Rex Sangrones
hey from what tab book u got it? it looks d same as mine. most of it.